Bob Dole To Rush Limbaugh: Get Real


Bob DoleFor whatever reason, Rush Limbaugh has spent much of his time attacking Mike Huckabee and John McCain. It seems he is a closeted Rombot. And that is just sad. Distinguished Senator and war hero Bob Dole recently wrote a letter to Rush trying to set him straight on McCain.

Did Limbaugh serve in the Senate and observe McCain’s voting record? Um, no. Bob Dole did.

I was the Republican Leader from January 1985 until I left the Senate voluntarily in June 1996. I worked closely with Senator McCain when he came to the Senate in 1987 until I departed. I cannot recall a single instance when he did not support the Party on critical votes.

How about a laundry list proving that John McCain is not a dirty liberal? OK.

  1. Consistent pro-life record
  2. Strong advocate for strict constructionist judges
  3. Supported voluntary school prayer
  4. Supported Constitutional Amendment for a Balanced Budget
  5. Strong advocate for reducing spending and opposing pork barrel “ear marks” which has, I might add, angered some of his colleagues
  6. Consistent on defending Second Amendment rights
  7. Opposed “Hillary Care” which would have been devastating
  8. Probably the Senate’s strongest advocate for strong national defense

What more do you need, El Rushbo? A cabinet position?

Mitt RomneyIf your favorite chameleonic robot (since you don’t attack him, it’s pretty obvious), Mitt Romney, is guaranteed to lose. And you know what that means.

Whoever wins the Republican nomination will need your enthusiastic support. Two terms for the Clintons are enough.

Is Rush perhaps eagerly anticipating the heady days of the Clinton Administration when he got to be on the attack against the libs day after day? Perhaps. Because Mitt Romney cannot win. Mark my words.

Bob Dole - War HeroAnd unlike Mittens, both McCain and Dole have served our country, honorably. Something you never got around to doing. You even claimed that by working for your campaign your sons were serving their country. Doesn’t McCain have sons in the military, actually serving our great nation in the war against militant Islam, unlike you?

McCain is a friend and I proudly wore his P.O.W. bracelet bearing his name while he was still a guest at the “Hanoi Hilton.” I believe our major candidates are mainstream conservatives and that our nominee will address our concerns by keeping taxes low, reducing corporate taxes, protecting and assisting the vulnerable, strengthening our traditional values, and above all, keeping America strong militarily, whatever the cost.

What more do you need? While Mike Huckabee would be a much stronger social conservative, it looks like it may be a choice between McCain and Mittens. If that’s the choice, it ain’t Mittens. Springtime is almost here.

Lighten up, Rush. Stop burning those bridges, unless you’re secretly rooting for Hitlery. And if you are, we’re done. Buh bye. And take Trannie Annie with you.

More at The Politico and Race 4 2008.

— Psycheout

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2 Responses to “Bob Dole To Rush Limbaugh: Get Real”

  1. Sam Brownback Shames Mittens « Blogs 4 Brownback Says:

    […] Dole had recently asked Rush Limbaugh to lay off John McCain.  And Mitt chimed in, unflatteringly, on the former Kansas Senator: As I noted earlier, Romney […]

  2. James Simmons Says:

    Don’t waste your time with der Limbaugh guys. He lives in his own little fantasy world, has earplugs, wears dark glasses and worships at the alter of his own stupidity.


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