The Free Republic Endorsement


Jim RobinsonJim Robinson, founder of the most significant conservative news site on the Internet, Free Republic, has decided to make an endorsement announcement now that there are only three candidates (plus loony Ron Paul) in the race.  He provides seven reasons to support…drumroll please

Mike Huckabee!

First, as to the other two available choices:

McCain is insane and there are many good reasons not to choose him, but I’ll list just five: McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-Lieberman, the Keating 5, and the Gang of 14. No thanks. McCain is out!

Romney ran on a pro-abortion platform, is pro gay rights, is prone to BIG government solutions, promises anything to anyone for a vote, and flip-flops on important issues. Can’t trust him.

Pretty darn solid reasoning there, Jim.  We apparently think alike regarding those two clowns.  Now, what’s the influential head Freeper have to say about Mike Huckabee?

Now Governor Huckabee. Could this be the good vs evil? He’s a Baptist minister. A genuine 100% pro-God, pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun, Southron Christian social conservative!

And his first five of seven reasons for supporting former Governor Mike Huckabee are:

And that would be my reason no. 1 to support Huckabee. He has the trust and backing of the Christian evangelicals and the support of the Bible Belt. You cannot win the presidency without the South, and I believe the pro-God, pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-America Mike Huckabee is the most likely of the three GOP hopefuls to carry the South. And that’s a pretty darn good reason!

My number two reason is that he is NOT McCain (and that’s a pretty darn good reason too).

Number three (and this will be a tough one for a lot of my FReeper Friends) is that he is NOT Romney.

Numbers four and five are he’s NOT Hillary and NOT Obama. Oohrah!

You’ll have to read the whole thing for his final two reasons and his scathing assessment of RINO Rudy Giuliani.  It’s worth it!

Thank you Jim, for refusing to fall for that empty suit, Mittens Romney.  But, heck.  That’s a no brainer, isn’t it?

— Psycheout

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10 Responses to “The Free Republic Endorsement”

  1. dw Says:

    Paul has never supported the 9/11 inside job crowd. Please get your facts straight.
    Paul stated that you cant trust the government to investigate itself and that deadly errors were made at many levels.
    His statement was clear…..I want to know who was FIRED!!??

  2. Free Republic’s Jim Robinson Endorses Huckabee « Blogs 4 Huckabee Says:

    […] lists seven compelling reasons to support Mike Huckabee. You can find out more over at my own blog, Blogs 4 Conservatives. I’m quite sure Huckabee supporters will be interested and psyched up about this bit of […]

  3. Mitt Romney: Do the Right Thing [Updated] « Blogs 4 Brownback Says:

    […] Update: Longtime conservative activist and founder of Free Republic Jim Robinson has endorsed Mike Huckabee! […]

  4. Red State Guy Says:

    I can’t believe Robinson did this! But he’s still hoping for Fred, obviously. Still he’s smart to endorse Huck over McLame and Myth Romney. If he endorsed either of them and they actually won, he’d have egg on his face.

    Huck is the best of the three by far.

  5. Jonathan Says:

    Hello fellow bloggers,

    *PLEASE HELP: This might make a huge difference.

    This is my first blog on this site. I am a staunch Huckabee supporter and have given generously to his campaign in both time and money. However, I believe it will be nothing short of a miracle if he remains competitive after Tuesday. I urge all of you to pray for a miracle and do what you can.

    Time is short and we must multiply our efforts as effectively as we can. Here’s an idea that might literally allow you to reach thousands of evangelical voters. Here it is: Email/call as many churches as possible and ask their leaders to pass out Voter Guides to their congregations. Here is what I am emailing to as many churches as I can:

    Dear (Church Name),

    Hello, I am writing to as many churches as possible to ask that you please remind your congregation on Sunday how important it is to vote their Christian Values this Tuesday. I encourage you to pass out a voter guide this Sunday if you haven’t done so already. Two great Value Voter Guides are available to print at both:

    The American Family Association website (


    Faith2Action website (

    Click to access ValuesVoter08Comparison.pdf

    I personally like the’s version better but either one is good. Thank you for considering this action to encourage your congregations to be good citizens of their country.

    Sincerely In Christ,

    (Your Name)

    PS: Please consider voting for Mike Huckabee. Here is a guide to help you understand more about Huckabee and his record:

    I then copy the voter guide listed on this website.

    For an easy to access list of churches to contact in key southern states or any state, go to this website: Then you can click on the state and a city. There are 1000’s of churches listed so you could do this all day.

    I recommend targeting churches in key states like Georgia, Alabama, Missouri, Tennessee, etc. |f we all join together in sending hundreds of emails/calling to these churches we may be able to educate 1000’s of people in just one day, on Sunday when the Voter guides are handed out.

    If you think this is a good idea pass it on ASAP and then get busy! Time is short.

    Thanks for all your encouraging posts! Let’s keep up the fight.


  6. spacebrother Says:

    A Huckabee endorsement is a lost cause. I predict he drops out Wednesday.

  7. bobcorker Says:

    Huck is the only chance to keep the Solid South other than Ron Paul, who probably wouldn’t be able to keep it either (not to mention the fact that he’s a 9-11 Truther bastard).

  8. Odette Plume Says:

    Great article it is without doubt. I’ve been seeking for this content.

  9. Behringer Says:

    Very nice , thanks a sharing .

  10. Selahattin Says:

    Evden eve nakliyat ve evden eve tasimacilik hizmetleri. sehirici sehirlerarasi uluslararasi evdeneve nakliye firmalari ev esyasi tasima fiyatlari ucretleri bosel nakliyat sirketleri evdenevenakliyat istanbul esya depolama. En ucuz Fiyat Veren Firmayi sizlere oneriyorum.

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